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Turbomolecular pump vacuum coating instrument
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옵션선택   관심상품
· 관련컨텐츠
This is the best coating equipment that uses turbomolecular pumps to vacuum, which can reduce the vacuum to 5x10-5mbar. It can sputter easily oxidizable metals with ultra-fine grain size, which is suitable for high-resolution imaging. Similarly, low scattering can result in a high-purity and dense amorphous carbon film.

Recommended magnification for sputtering precious metals and easily oxidized metals :
• Gold plating, gold-palladium alloy up to 50,000 times
• Platinum plating up to 100,000 times
• Chrome plating, iridium up to more than 100,000 times
Very suitable for thin film applications, such as ITO, W plating , Al, Zn can also be coated with other target materials

S Plus
automatic sputtering coating system, can sputter easily oxidized metals, sputterable targets include chromium, iridium, tungsten, ITO, aluminum and other targets

E Plus
automatic evaporative carbon coating instrument (carbon rod, carbon rope), suitable for SEM applications, suitable for EDS and WDS applications. Metal evaporation/diaphragm cleaning is optional.

ES Plus
integrates two coating methods: ion sputtering and thermal evaporation. The coating head can be replaced within a few seconds, and metal evaporation/diaphragm cleaning is optional.

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