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(총 109개 상품)
상품명 상품정보 대표판매가 관심상품/옵션
검색상품 Witeg® Digital Burette, TITREX® Bottle-top, Titration and Dosing Applications, 0 ~ 50 / 0.01㎖Ideal for Fine(㎕)-adjustment, Perfect Air-purging Mechanism · No Loss of Reagent · Autoclavable Valve Block , [ Germany-made ] 디지털 정밀 자동뷰렛 점판매처 : (주)대한과학 1,366,580 버튼
검색상품 Witeg® Glass Plug Burette, Class B, DIN/ISO, 25 & 50㎖With Amber-stain Graduation, [ Germany-made ] , Glass Cock 유리콕 뷰렛, 갈색눈금 점판매처 : (주)대한과학 62,140 버튼
검색상품 Witeg® AS-Class PTFE Plug Burette, with Conformity Certified, Blue Fine-graduationWith -PTFE-plug, with Batch certificate Serial No. for Traceability, [ Germany-made ] , AS 급 PTFE Plug 뷰렛 점판매처 : (주)대한과학 92,590 버튼
검색상품 Favorit® AS-class Certified PTFE Plug Burette, with Individual Certificate, 10~50㎖With Funnel-top & PTFE-plug, Amber-graduation, [ Malaysia-made ] , AS 급 개별 보증서부 PTFE Plug 뷰렛 점판매처 : (주)대한과학 51,020 버튼
검색상품 Witeg® PTFE-plug Burette, Class B, with Fine Graduation, DIN/ISO , 5 ~ 100㎖, [ Germany-made ] , 테프론콕 뷰렛, 갈색눈금 점판매처 : (주)대한과학 63,880 버튼
검색상품 Witeg® Rotaflo-cock Burette, Class B, with PTFE Needle Valve, ISO/DIN, 25~100 ㎖With Amber-stain Graduation, [ Germany-made ] , PTFE 니들콕 뷰렛 점판매처 : (주)대한과학 80,680 버튼
검색상품 Witeg® Bang Micro Burette, with Integral Side Reservoir, ISO/DIN, Class B, 1㎖~10㎖With Schellbach Blue Graduation and 2×PTFE Stopcocks, [ Germany-made ] , PTFE 콕 마이크로뷰렛 점판매처 : (주)대한과학 226,730 버튼
검색상품 “witeg” Digital Burette, TITREX® Bottle-top, Titration and Dosing Applications, 0~50/0.01㎖
Ideal for Fine(㎕)-adjustment, Perfect Air-purging Mechanism·No Loss of Reagent·Autoclavable Valve Block, 디지털 정밀 자동뷰렛
점판매처 : (주)대한과학 1,366,580 버튼
검색상품 “witeg” AS-Class PTFE Plug Burette, with Conformity Certified, Blue Fine-graduation
With -PTFE-plug, with Batch certificate Serial No. for Traceability, AS급 PTFE Plug 뷰렛
점판매처 : (주)대한과학 92,590 버튼
검색상품 “witeg” Glass Plug Burette, Class B, DIN/ISO, 25 & 50㎖
With Amber-stain Graduation, Glass Cock 유리콕 뷰렛, 갈색눈금
점판매처 : (주)대한과학 62,140 버튼
검색상품 “witeg” PTFE-plug Burette, Class B, with Fine Graduation, DIN/ISO, 5~100㎖
Made of DURAN® Borosilicate Glass 3.3, Delivery time 35~45sec., 테프론콕 뷰렛
점판매처 : (주)대한과학 63,880 버튼
검색상품 “witeg” Rotaflo-cock Burette, Class B, with PTFE Needle Valve, ISO/DIN, 25~100㎖
With Amber-stain Graduation, PTFE 니들콕 뷰렛
점판매처 : (주)대한과학 80,680 버튼
검색상품 Glassco® Educational Standard Buret, B-class, 10~50㎖
Made of Borosilicate Glass 3.3, ISO/DIN, 교육용 표준 뷰렛
점판매처 : (주)대한과학 33,730 버튼
검색상품 “witeg” Bang Micro Burette, with Integral Side Reservoir, DIN/ISO, Class B, 1~10㎖
With Schellbach Blue Graduation and 2×PTFE Stopcocks, PTFE 콕 마이크로뷰렛
점판매처 : (주)대한과학 226,730 버튼
검색상품 Witeg® Detachable Burettes, with Replaceable PTFE Stopcock, Class B, 25~100mlPTFE 코크 분리형 뷰렛, ISO/DIN, B급 점판매처 : (주)대한과학 0 버튼
검색상품 Glassco® USP-standard AS-class Automatic Buret, with Batch Certificate, 25 & 50㎖With PTFE Intermediate-stopcock & 2Lit Bottle, , USP표준 AS급 자동뷰렛, 중간코크부착형 점판매처 : (주)싸이랩코리아 272,390 버튼
검색상품 Glassco® Educational Standard Buret, B-class, 10~50㎖Made of Borosilicate Glass 3.3, ISO/DIN, , 교육용 표준 뷰렛 점판매처 : (주)싸이랩코리아 33,730 버튼
검색상품 PTFE Needle Valve Buret / 니들밸브형 투명 뷰렛, Class AS + Batch 보증서 점판매처 : 유원테크 91,200 버튼
검색상품 Compact Buret, Modular / 분리형 뷰렛 점판매처 : 유원테크 140,500 버튼
검색상품 Automatic Buret, Pellet Pattern / 자동뷰렛, 중간콕크 부착형, Class AS + Batch 보증서 점판매처 : 유원테크 445,200 버튼
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