![검색상품]() | 의류 건조대, 접이식, Foldable Apparel Dry Rack | 판매처 : (주)대한과학 | 56,110원 |  |
![검색상품]() | PP Modular/Utility Container/Tray, with Perforated Wall, White, Stackable, 1.1~4.5LitIdeal for Drying·Storage·Transfer·&c, -10℃+120℃, 모듈 중첩형 컨테이너/트레이 | 판매처 : (주)대한과학 | 4,480원 |  |
![검색상품]() | Draining Basket, PP, Stackable, White, Autoclavable, 4.5Lit Suitable for Drying·Storage·Transfer &c., Lightweight, -10℃+120℃, PP 트레이 | 판매처 : (주)대한과학 | 5,740원 |  |
![검색상품]() | SciLab® 50~500㎖ Cylinder Drying Rack, 235×345×h330mm For Drying Cylinders, Stainless-steel Wire, 다용도 스텐 메스실린더 건조대 | 판매처 : (주)대한과학 | 85,000원 |  |
![검색상품]() | DAIHAN® 39 places Labware Dryer “DRYL-39”, with Heating Blower & Air Filter, 230V, 1.5kW, Max 50℃ & 75℃ Ideal for Glassware·Plasticware·Small Articles, Timer Set 1~120min, Continuous 8 hours, 실험기구 건열풍 건조기 | 판매처 : (주)대한과학 | 2,071,000원 |  |
![검색상품]() | SciLab® Safety PVC Coated Steel Drying Rack, Bench-Top With 35·48·70-Peg, Single & Double-type, with Drain Tray, 스텐 건조대 | 판매처 : (주)대한과학 | 92,350원 |  |
![검색상품]() | SciLab® Wall-mounting PVC & Stainless-steel Drying Rack, Adjustable 24-Place With 24 Removable Pegs, 60×h90cm, 벽걸이형 초자건조대 | 판매처 : (주)대한과학 | 203,280원 |  |
![검색상품]() | Kartell® HIPS Wall-mounting Plastic Dry Rack, with 72 Removable Pegs Made of High Impact Polystyrene(HIPS), Complete Kit, 벽걸이 플라스틱 건조대 | 판매처 : (주)대한과학 | 222,770원 |  |
![검색상품]() | 의류 건조대, 접이식, Foldable Apparel Dry Rack | 판매처 : (주)대한과학 | 56,110원 |  |
![검색상품]() | PP Modular Utility Container/Tray, with Perforated Wall, White, Stackable, 1.1~4.5Lit Ideal for Drying·Storage·Transfer &c., -10℃+120℃, 모듈 중첩형 컨테이너/트레이 | 판매처 : (주)대한과학 | 4,480원 |  |
![검색상품]() | PP Drying Rack, Autoclavable, Stackable, 540×370×250mm, PP 건조대 | 판매처 : (주)대한과학 | 10,200원 |  |
![검색상품]() | Digital 39 places Labware Drying Rack “PE2010”, with Air Filter & Heating Air Blower, 220V / 1.5kW, Max 50℃ & 75℃ Ideal for Glassware / Plasticware / Small Articles, Timer Set 1~90min, Continuous 8 hours, 실험기구 건열풍 건조기, 테이블&벽걸이겸용 | 판매처 : (주)싸이랩코리아 | 1,580,000원 |  |
![검색상품]() | SciLab® 39 places Labware Drying Rack “DRYL-S39”, with Heating Blower & Air Filter, 230V, 1.5kW, Max 50℃ & 75℃ Ideal for Glassware·Plasticware·Small Articles, Timer Set 1~120min, Continuous 8 hours, 실험기구 건열풍 건조기 | 판매처 : (주)싸이랩코리아 | 1,967,450원 |  |
![검색상품]() | SciLab® 50~500㎖ Cylinders Drying Rack, 235×345×h330mmFor Drying Cylinders, Stainless-steel Wire, 다용도 스텐 메스실린더 건조대 | 판매처 : (주)싸이랩코리아 | 85,000원 |  |
![검색상품]() | SciLab® Safety PVC Coated Steel Drying Rack, Bench-TopWith 35·48·70-Peg, Single & Double-type, with Drain Tray, 스텐 건조대 | 판매처 : (주)싸이랩코리아 | 92,350원 |  |
![검색상품]() | SciLab® Wall-mounting PVC & Stainless-steel Drying Rack, Adjustable 24-PlaceWith 24 Removable Pegs, 60×h90cm, 벽걸이형 초자건조대 | 판매처 : (주)싸이랩코리아 | 203,280원 |  |
![검색상품]() | SciLab® 39 places Labware Dryer “DRYL-S39”, with Heating Blower & Air Filter, 230V, 1.5kW, Max 50℃ & 75℃ Ideal for Glassware·Plasticware·Small Articles, Timer Set 1~120min, Continuous 8 hours, 실험기구 건열풍 건조기 | 판매처 : (주)싸이랩코리아 | 1,967,450원 |  |
![검색상품]() | SciLab® Safety PVC Coated Steel Drying Rack, Bench-Top With 35·48·70-Peg, Single & Double-type, with Drain Tray, 스텐 건조대 | 판매처 : (주)싸이랩코리아 | 92,350원 |  |
![검색상품]() | SciLab® Wall-mounting PVC & Stainless-steel Drying Rack, Adjustable 24-Place With 24 Removable Pegs, 60×h90cm, 벽걸이형 초자건조대 | 판매처 : (주)싸이랩코리아 | 203,280원 |  |
![검색상품]() | Electronic Wire Drying Rack / 열풍형 이동식 초자 건조대 | 판매처 : 유원테크 | 1,399,200원 |  |