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상품명 상품정보 대표판매가 관심상품/옵션
검색상품 Innotem® The Price of Calibration Certificate for “F1- & M1- Class” Weights, 분동 교정 경비 점판매처 : (주)대한과학 0 버튼
검색상품 Kern® Fully-equipped Metallurgical Microscopes “OKO”, for Testing Metals and Analyzing Surface, 50× ~ 500×With Refrected and Tranmitted LED illumination, Height-adjustable 1.25 Abbe Condenser, 고성능 금속 현미경 점판매처 : (주)대한과학 7,045,610 버튼
검색상품 Kern® [d] 0.01g, max.2,000g Convenient Lab Balance “EMB”, Underfloor Weighing Model, Φ150mm Weighing Plate
With Tare & Auto-Off Function, Hook for Underfloor Weighing, 다용도랩 바란스, 언더웨잉 기능형
점판매처 : (주)대한과학 525,810 버튼
검색상품 Kern® [d] 10g, max.15kg Ergonomically-Optimised Baby Scale “MBD”, Ideal for Private
With Auto-off·Feeding·Hold·Memory-Function, Weight Displayed in kg or lb, 인기 보급형 신생아 체중계
점판매처 : (주)대한과학 195,610 버튼
검색상품 Kern® [d] 2·5·10g, max.6·15·20kg Elegantly-Precision Baby Scale “MBC”
Ideal for Weighing Neonates in Paediatrics, with Feeding-& Hold-Function, 정밀형 신생아 체중계
점판매처 : (주)대한과학 778,180 버튼
검색상품 Kern® [d] 1 & 2g, max.8 & 15kg Compact Pet Dual Scale “FOB”, Stainless-steel Plate 252×200mm
Protection against Dust and Water Splashes, IP67, with Protective Working Cover, 소형 애완동물용 저울, 방수 플레이트
점판매처 : (주)대한과학 620,460 버튼
검색상품 Kern® [d] 10 & 20g, max.35 & 60kg Compact Veterinary Scale “EOB”, Stainless-steel Plate 315×305mm
With Wall Mount Display, Device·Non-slip Rubber Mat·Working Cover, 수의과(동물병원)용 저울
점판매처 : (주)대한과학 420,660 버튼
검색상품 Kern® [d] 50g, max.150kg Veterinary Scale “EOS”, for Large Animal, Stainless-steel, Robust Platform 950×500mm
Suitable for Stationary or Mobile Use, with Non-slip Rubber Mat & Working Cover, 수의과(동물병원)용 대형 저울, 미끄럼방지 매트 포함
점판매처 : (주)대한과학 1,072,630 버튼
검색상품 Kern® [d] 0.1 & 1g, max.500 & 1,000g Slim Pocket Balance for Reference “TGC”, 10×13×h1.8cm, 200g
With Large Stainless Steel Weighing Plate & Shock Proof Plastic Cover, with Practical Tare Function, 슬림 포켓 디지털 바란스, 간편 영점기능
점판매처 : (주)대한과학 46,310 버튼
검색상품 Kern® [d] 0.1 & 1g, max.320 & 1,000g Pocket Balance & Calculator “CM”, 8.5×13×h2.5cm, 180g
With Convenient 4-Key Operation & Hard Case Cover, Well Protected, 포켓 바란스 겸 계산기
점판매처 : (주)대한과학 136,250 버튼
검색상품 Kern® “E1”-Class Calibration Standard Weight, “OIML”-class, International Accurate Class, High-degree of Accuracy
With Certificate, DKD/GLP/IS, Standard, 최상급 표준 분동
점판매처 : (주)대한과학 8,227,190 버튼
검색상품 Innotem® “F1”- & “M1”-Class Certificated Standard Weight, Set & Individual, “OIML”-class, International Accurate Class
With Verification Certificate, Polished Stainless-steel, 보증서부 “OIML” 표준분동세트 & 개별분동
점판매처 : (주)대한과학 60,000 버튼
검색상품 Kern® [d] 1mm, L10~80cm Portable Baby Height Measuring Rod/Ruler
Ideal for Medical Diagnostics, with Large Guide Surfaces, 눈금이동형 아기용 신장계
점판매처 : (주)대한과학 231,360 버튼
검색상품 Kern® [d] 1mm, L30~80cm Portable Baby Height Measuring Rod/Ruler, Ideal for Medical Diagnostics
With Readability on Scale with Moveable Stop, Robust and Compact Size, 길이조절형 아기용 신장계
점판매처 : (주)대한과학 259,480 버튼
검색상품 Kern® [d] 1mm, max.2.05m Circumference Measuring Ruler/Tape
Ideal for Medical Diagnostics, with Continuous Pull-out Mechanism, 신체부위 둘레측정 줄자
점판매처 : (주)대한과학 18,940 버튼
검색상품 Kern Fully-equipped Metallurgical Microscopes “OKO”, for Testing Metals and Analyzing Surface, 50×~ 500×
With Refrected and Tranmitted LED illumination, Height-adjustable 1.25 Abbe Condenser, 고성능 금속 현미경
점판매처 : (주)대한과학 7,045,610 버튼
검색상품 Kern® [d] 1 & 10mg, max.350 & 2,500g Standard Precision Lab Balance, Compact, with Pcs. CountingWith Pre-Tare & Recipe Function, Freely Programmable Weighing Unit, 표준형 정밀 바란스, 계수계 겸용 점판매처 : (주)대한과학 730,990 버튼
검색상품 OIML 기준 F1급, E2급 표준분동 셋트 및 낱개분동 점판매처 : (주)카스콤 770,000 버튼
검색상품 OIML 기준 F1급[21개], 1mg~100g 표준 분동 셋트 점판매처 : (주)카스콤 600,000 버튼
검색상품 표준분동세트 Class E2, F1 / Standard Weight Set, OIML 점판매처 : 유원테크 2,700,000 버튼
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