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상품명 상품정보 대표판매가 관심상품/옵션
검색상품 Witeg® Digital Burette, TITREX® Bottle-top, Titration and Dosing Applications, 0 ~ 50 / 0.01㎖ Ideal for Fine(㎕)-adjustment, Perfect Air-purging Mechanism / No Loss of Reagent / Autocalvable Valve Block, 디지털 정밀 자동뷰렛 점판매처 : (주)대한과학 1,366,580 버튼
검색상품 Witeg® Digital Burette, TITREX® Bottle-top, Titration and Dosing Applications, 0 ~ 50 / 0.01㎖Ideal for Fine(㎕)-adjustment, Perfect Air-purging Mechanism · No Loss of Reagent · Autoclavable Valve Block , [ Germany-made ] 디지털 정밀 자동뷰렛 점판매처 : (주)대한과학 1,366,580 버튼
검색상품 “witeg” Digital Burette, TITREX® Bottle-top, Titration and Dosing Applications, 0~50/0.01㎖
Ideal for Fine(㎕)-adjustment, Perfect Air-purging Mechanism·No Loss of Reagent·Autoclavable Valve Block, 디지털 정밀 자동뷰렛
점판매처 : (주)대한과학 1,366,580 버튼
검색상품 Microlit® Motorized Digital Burette, “E-Burette”, Remote Touchscreen Controller
With Re-circulation System, Adjustable 3 Dispensing Speed, 10·25·50㎖, 전동 디지털 뷰렛
점판매처 : (주)대한과학 1,457,290 버튼
검색상품 SI Analytics® TITRONIC® 300 Motor-driven Piston Burette, 20 & 50㎖ Dosing Unit Interchangeable
Max. 100㎖/min Dosing, 1/8000 Burette Resolution, 전자 자동 뷰렛/디지털 분주기
점판매처 : (주)대한과학 4,607,950 버튼
검색상품 “witeg” Premium AS-Class Automatic Buret, with Batch Certificate, with 2Lit Bottle, Clear & Amber, 10·25·50㎖
With PTFE-Needle Valve & Intermediate Stopcock, DIN/ISO, AS급 자동뷰렛, 셋트, 중간코크부착형, 병 포함
점판매처 : (주)대한과학 449,060 버튼
검색상품 “witeg” B-class Automatic Buret, with Intermediate Glass Stopcock & 2Lit Bottle
With Glass Needle Stopcock, Fine Graduation, DIN/ISO, B급 자동뷰렛, 셋트, 중간코크부착형, 병 포함
점판매처 : (주)대한과학 354,640 버튼
검색상품 Glassco® USP-standard AS-class Automatic Buret, with Detachable Stopcock Arm, 25 & 50㎖
With Intermediate PTFE Stopcock, without Bottle, AS급 자동뷰렛, 스탑콕 탈부착형, 중간코크부착형, 병은 별도
점판매처 : (주)대한과학 236,690 버튼
검색상품 Automatic Burette Bottle and Rubber Ball, 자동뷰렛용 바틀과 벌브 점판매처 : (주)대한과학 53,780 버튼
검색상품 “witeg” Schilling® Automatic Glass Burette, Class B, 10~50㎖
With PE Bottle 500 or 1,000㎖ and Stable Base, 쉬링® 자동뷰렛
점판매처 : (주)대한과학 104,310 버튼
검색상품 Witeg® Accessories for Automatic Burettes 점판매처 : (주)대한과학 53,780 버튼
검색상품 PYREX® 25ml Auto-zero Glass Burettes, PE Bottle Top, with PTFE Valve, Class B
PE병 Base 글라스자동 뷰렛, 1,000ml PE Screwcap Bottle-Option
점판매처 : (주)싸이랩코리아 0 버튼
검색상품 Witeg® Digital Burette, TITREX® Bottle-top, Titration and Dosing Applications, 0 ~ 50 / 0.01㎖ Ideal for Fine(㎕)-adjustment, Perfect Air-purging Mechanism / No Loss of Reagent / Autoclavable Valve Block, 디지털 정밀 자동뷰렛 점판매처 : (주)싸이랩코리아 1,366,580 버튼
검색상품 DURAN® AS-class Automatic Burette Set, Schellbach Stripe Type, DIN 12700, USP Standard, 10~50㎖ with 2 Lit. Bottle & Blowing Bulb, 30 sec Waiting Time, 35~45 sec Run-out time, AS-급 자동뷰렛 점판매처 : (주)싸이랩코리아 423,030 버튼
검색상품 VITLAB® 5 & 10 Lit PP DIN-GL Screwcap Bottle, with Comfort Handle, AutoclavableGood Chemical/Heat Resistance, 125/140℃ Stable, , 핸들바틀 5 & 10 Lit 점판매처 : (주)싸이랩코리아 36,220 버튼
검색상품 Microlit® Motorized Digital Burette, “E-Burette”, Remote Touchscreen ControllerWith Re-circulation System, Adjustable 3 Dispensing Speed, 10·25·50㎖, 전동 디지털 뷰렛 점판매처 : (주)싸이랩코리아 1,457,290 버튼
검색상품 DURAN® AS-class Automatic Burette Set, Schellbach Stripe Type, DIN 12700, USP Standard, 10~50㎖With 2 Lit. Bottle & Blowing Bulb, 30 sec Waiting Time, 35~45sec Run-out Time, AS급 자동뷰렛 점판매처 : (주)싸이랩코리아 423,030 버튼
검색상품 Glassco® USP-standard AS-class Automatic Buret, with Batch Certificate, 25 & 50㎖With PTFE Intermediate-stopcock & 2Lit Bottle, , USP표준 AS급 자동뷰렛, 중간코크부착형 점판매처 : (주)싸이랩코리아 272,390 버튼
검색상품 Glassco® USP-standard AS-class Automatic Buret, with Batch Certificate & Schellbach Stripe, 25 & 50㎖With Intermediate PTFE Stopcock, without Bottle & Rubber Bulb, USP표준 AS급 자동뷰렛, 중간코크부착형 점판매처 : (주)싸이랩코리아 236,690 버튼
검색상품 Burkle® Automatic Glass Burette, Schellbach Stripe Type, Class-B, 25 & 50㎖With 1Lit PE Bottle & PP Safety Base, for Precise Dosing-(1) Push Button & (2) Micro Valve 점판매처 : (주)싸이랩코리아 149,590 버튼
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