| SciLab® GL45 3-Baffled Shaking Bottle, with Cap & Pouring Ring, 100~2,000㎖ With Graduation & GL45 Screwcap, Ideal for Culture/Mixing, GL45 배플 쉐이킹 바틀 | 판매처 : (주)대한과학 | 28,500원 | |
| DURAN® GL45 Premium Bottle, with Teflon PFA Screwcap & Pouring Ring, -196℃~+260℃, 100~1,000㎖Ideal for Pharmaceutical Field, Aggressive Media Handling, and Depyrogenation, Boro-glass 3.3, 내열 테프론캡 프리미엄 바틀 | 판매처 : (주)대한과학 | 39,580원 | |
| DURAN® GL25~45 Original & GLS80 Wide-neck Laboratory Bottle, Graduated, 10~20,000㎖Borosilicate Clear Glass 3.3, with Screwcap & Pouring Ring, Autoclavable, Ideal for Culture & Multi-use, “ 듀란 ” 오리지널 & 광구 랩바틀 | 판매처 : (주)대한과학 | 11,350원 | |
| DURAN® Space-saver Square Bottle, Ideal for Culture & Storage, 100~1,000㎖With Screwcap & Pouring Ring , GL32 & 45 4 각 랩바틀 | 판매처 : (주)대한과학 | 10,040원 | |
| DURAN® GL25~45 Original & GLS80 Wide-neck Light-Proof Amber Laboratory Bottle, Graduated, 10~20,000㎖With Screwcap & Pouring Ring, Autoclavable, 500nm UV Protected, “ 듀란 ” 오리지널 & 광구 자외선 차단 갈색 랩바틀 | 판매처 : (주)대한과학 | 35,390원 | |
| DURAN® Soda-glass Square Wide neck Bottle and Tamper-evident GL Short-form Screwcap, 100~1,000㎖For Sampling & Storage, with Short form GL-32·45·54·60 Screw, Non-Autoclavable, 4 각 광구 ( 연질 ) 시료병 and Security( 보안 ) 캡 | 판매처 : (주)대한과학 | 4,350원 | |
| DURAN® “Leak-Proof” High-grade Lab Bottle with 3mm-thick PTFE/Silicone Septa-Sealed Cap, 10~20,000㎖Ideal for Chemical Resist & Durability, Boro-glass 3.3, with DIN GL25~45 Screw & Graduation, Autoclavable, “ 리크프루프 ” 랩바틀, 내약품용에 최적 | 판매처 : (주)대한과학 | 14,570원 | |
| DIY Piercing DURAN® Lab Bottle, with PP GL Opentop Screwcap & PTFE/Butylrubber Septa, 10~500㎖Boro-glass 3.3, with DIN GL25~GL45, Graduation, 125/140℃ Stable and Autoclavable, 피어싱 랩바틀 | 판매처 : (주)대한과학 | 10,210원 | |
| DURAN® Super-duty Production Bottle Standard and Safety Coated, without Cap, Increased Thickness, 10 & 20LitUsing for Mixing & Stirring Process, Boro-glass 3.3, 10 & 20Lit 내충격용 슈퍼듀티 프로덕션 바틀 | 판매처 : (주)대한과학 | 805,180원 | |
| DURAN® Primary Packaging PURE Bottle & Screwcap, GL45, 500~20,000 ㎖GMP & API Manufacturing, with Dust Cover, Qualification Package, Boro-glass 3.3, 보증서부 퓨어 바틀 | 판매처 : (주)대한과학 | 0원 | |
| DURAN® TILT GL56 Media Bottle & Bottle Top Vacuum Filter System, Unique 45° TILT Position, 500㎖With White GL56 PP Screwcap, 2-positioned Bottom, Boro-glass 3.3, GL56 틸트 바틀 & 진공 여과장치 | 판매처 : (주)대한과학 | 30,810원 | |
| DURAN® YOUTILITY Lab-Bottle System, Graduated, 125~1,000㎖With GL45 Screwcap & Pouring Ring & Silicone Tag, 듀란 유틸리티 랩바틀 | 판매처 : (주)대한과학 | 8,270원 | |
| PYREX® Reagent Bottle with Phenolic Screwcap & PTFE Liner, 25~20,000㎖With Fine Graduation & White Marking Spot, ISO, Autoclavable, Boro 3.3, [ UK-made ] , 메디아 바틀 | 판매처 : (주)대한과학 | 6,940원 | |
| DURAN® Culture Media Bottle, with Beaded Rim, 300~5,000㎖Ideal for Large Volume Culture, Boro-glass 3.3, 배양병 | 판매처 : (주)대한과학 | 45,050원 | |
| Triforest® Polycarbonate Media Bottle, Made of PolycarbonateIdeal for Culture Media & Low Temperature Autoclavable, -100℃~+135/140℃, [ USA-made ]PC 4 각 & 원형 메디아 바틀, 몰드 / 흰색 눈금부, 투명 | 판매처 : (주)대한과학 | 4,160원 | |
| JetBiofil® Sterile PS Solution Bottle, Ideal for Storage, Engraved or Silk-print Graduated, 150~2,000㎖With Heavy-wall & Screwcap, Individual Sterile Package, 멸균 솔루션 바틀, 개별멸균포장 | 판매처 : (주)대한과학 | 2,640원 | |
| VITLAB® Transparent PFA Teflon Bottle, Narrow-/Wide-neck, Autoclavable, DIN/ISO, 50~2,000㎖Excellent for Chemical and Corrosion resistance, -200~+260℃, [ Germany-made ] , PFA 투명 테플론 세구/광구병 | 판매처 : (주)대한과학 | 0원 | |
| DURAN® GL45 HPLC Bottle, Complete-set with 4× Port PP Screwcap & Seals, 500 & 1,000㎖For od.Φ1.6 & Φ3.2mm Tubes, with Blue Graduation, HPLC 바틀 세트 | 판매처 : (주)대한과학 | 110,970원 | |
| DURAN® Safety Plastic PU-Coated Lab Bottle, With/Without GL Cap & Pour-Ring, Clear & Amber, 25~20,000㎖Boro-glass 3.3, with Graduation & DIN GL-Screwthread, Autoclavable, -30℃~+135℃, 안전플라스틱 코팅 랩바틀 | 판매처 : (주)대한과학 | 28,670원 | |
| DURAN® GL45 High Pressure/Vacuum Bottle Standard and Safety Coated, -1~+1.5bar Resist., 100~1,000㎖Ideal for Safe Working Under Pressure or Vacuum, with Blue Graduation, without Cap, GL45 진공/압력 바틀, 캡 별도 | 판매처 : (주)대한과학 | 11,710원 | |