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상품명 상품정보 대표판매가 관심상품/옵션
검색상품 Wheaton® 11mm PP Snap / Crimp Top Vials, with 0.1 / 0.5 / 0.75㎖ Insert without Cap / Seal, Φ12×h32mm, 스냅-탑 / 크림프-탑 겸용 PP 바이알 점판매처 : (주)대한과학 64,580 버튼
검색상품 Wheaton® Clear PVC Mini-FileTM for 10pcs of 2~4㎖ Sample Vials, without Vials 2~4㎖ Vial 용 File 점판매처 : (주)대한과학 0 버튼
검색상품 Wheaton® Sample Vial / Container, with PE Snap Cap, Wide-Neck, 4~120㎖With Cardboard Cell Tray Inner Pack, USP Type Ⅲ Glass α8.8 , [ USA-made ] , 스냅캡 샘플 바이알 점판매처 : (주)대한과학 3,600 버튼
검색상품 Wheaton®Un-lined Aluminum Seal, ASTM · FDA · USP ·ISO,알루미늄 씰, 셉타/스토퍼는 별도 점판매처 : (주)대한과학 28,620 버튼
검색상품 CryoScan® 2D Barcode Scanner Set, with CryoKeep® Software, Simple Management of Sample in Cryovials/TubesHigh Compatibility with Various Barcoded Racks, Fast Scanning Speed, 2D 바코드 리더/스캐너 세트, 소프트웨어 포함 점판매처 : (주)대한과학 9,075,000 버튼
검색상품 CryoTain TM 1.2~5㎖ 2D Bottom Barcoded PP Sterile Cryovial, External/Internal Thread, Self-standingFree of DNase · RNase · Endotoxin-free, Irradiation Sterilization, -196~+121℃ ,2D바텀 바코드 멸균 냉동 바이알 점판매처 : (주)대한과학 19,240 버튼
검색상품 CryoTain TM 1.2~5㎖ 1D & 2D Wall & Bottom Barcoded PP Sterile Cryovial, External/Internal Thread, Self-standingFree of DNase · RNase · Endotoxin-free , Irradiation Sterilization, -196~+121℃, 1D & 2D 월 - 바텀 바코드 멸균 냉동 바이알 점판매처 : (주)대한과학 21,290 버튼
검색상품 PS Drosophila Tubes/Vials, Glassy-Clear, Rigidity, od Φ25 & 28.5mmIdeal for Drosophila Culture, Disposable Shell-type, -10℃ +125/140℃ withstand, 초파리 배양 바이알 점판매처 : (주)대한과학 6,820 버튼
검색상품 81 & 100-hole Cardboard Freezer Box, for 0.5~3㎖ Cryovials & MicrotubesIdeal for Liquid Nitrogen Storage, with Cell Φ12.5/15mm, -196℃~+121℃, 81 & 100 홀 판지 냉동 보관 박스 점판매처 : (주)대한과학 3,790 버튼
검색상품 Micrewtube TM PC 100-hole Universal Storage Box, for 1~2㎖ Cryovials/Flat Bottom MicrotubesWith Φ13mm gap/Numeric Indexed Lid, Autoclavable, 125/140℃, [ Canada-made ] , 100 홀 다용도PC박스 점판매처 : (주)대한과학 15,420 버튼
검색상품 Cryovial TM PP 50-hole Workstation Rack, for 0.5~5㎖ CryoVials/MicrotubesIdeal for Self-stand Cryovials, Hole Φ13mm, Autoclavable, [ Canada-made ] , 50 홀 랙 점판매처 : (주)대한과학 18,840 버튼
검색상품 Kartell® PS Disposable Cuvette for Fibrintimer® , -10℃~+70/80℃Made of Polystyrene, PS 큐벳, 일회용 점판매처 : (주)대한과학 38,750 버튼
검색상품 SciLab® PP 2㎖ Sterile Multiuse Screwcap Tube, Graduated, Good for Cryowork, Conical bottom & Self-standingWith Silicone O-ring Sealed Screwcap, DNase-/RNase-free, Autoclavable, [ Korea-made ], 2 ㎖ 멸균 다용도 스크류캡 튜브 점판매처 : (주)대한과학 58,810 버튼
검색상품 CAPINSERT® PP Color Coding Cap Insert for MicrewTube® , 칼라 식별용 캡 인서트 점판매처 : (주)대한과학 4,600 버튼
검색상품 Wheaton® 11 mm Crimptop Vial, Φ12×32mmWith 0.3㎖ Volume Insert, Complete-Case 점판매처 : (주)대한과학 548,330 버튼
검색상품 Wheaton® 8-425 Screwtop PP Vials, Φ 12×32 mmFor 0.1 & 0.3㎖, Sealed-in Limited Volume Insert, Cap / Septa Separately, [ USA-made ] 점판매처 : (주)대한과학 68,210 버튼
검색상품 Wheaton® 8-425 Screwtop Vials with V-Shape Inner, 12×32 mm Heavy Duty V-Vial®For 0.1 & 0.3㎖, with Open top Cap & Septa, Complete File-case, [ USA-made ] 점판매처 : (주)대한과학 33,510 버튼
검색상품 Wheaton® 8-425 Screwtop Premium Standard Opening Vials, for 1.8㎖표준 인기형 프리미엄 바이알 점판매처 : (주)대한과학 87,750 버튼
검색상품 Wheaton® 48-holes PP White-gray Vial Rack, 266×94×h 28mm, AutoclavableWith 48-holes(4×12)/id Φ15.5mm, Heat Resistant at -10℃~+125/140℃, 48 홀 바이알 랙, 4 홀 ×12 열 점판매처 : (주)대한과학 83,850 버튼
검색상품 Kartell® PS Cuvette / Vial for Auto Analyzer, DisposableMade of Polystyrene(PS), -10℃~+70/80℃ withstand, 자동 분석기용 일회성 큐벳 점판매처 : (주)대한과학 38,750 버튼
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