- 기준카테고리 : 메스 피펫

Serological Pipet [Corning]
- · 대표판매가
- 61,000원
- · 공 급 원
- · 판 매 처
- (주)대한과학(부산)
- · 연 락 처
- 051-247-2875
- · 리 드 타 임
- 담당자 문의
- · 옵 션 보 기
- 옵션선택 관심상품
- · 관련컨텐츠
<< 제품 정보 >>
- Serological pipets are sterili, nonpyrogenic, and RNase-/DNase-free.
- Exclusive antidrip tip assures accurate delivery.
: Available in 25, 50 and 100ml sizes
- Color-coded magnifier stripes make vlume reading easier.
- Bidirectional graduations provide choice of ascending and descending scales
- Negative graduations allow additional working volume.

- Serological pipets are sterili, nonpyrogenic, and RNase-/DNase-free.
- Exclusive antidrip tip assures accurate delivery.
: Available in 25, 50 and 100ml sizes
- Color-coded magnifier stripes make vlume reading easier.
- Bidirectional graduations provide choice of ascending and descending scales
- Negative graduations allow additional working volume.